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Age-appropriate aerobic exercise for cognitive function in older adults

Age-appropriate aerobic exercise for cognitive function in older adults

An October 2023 study by the University of East Finland said that, “These findings underscore the value of age-appropriate aerobic exercise, such as golf, Nordic walking and regular walking, in maintaining and enhancing cognitive function among older adults. Previous research has shown that exercise also holds promise as a potential strategy for those experiencing cognitive decline,”

Plethora - Hypertension

Plethora - Hypertension

Ibn Sina in his Canon said, 

“Speaking in general the signs of plethora of the first type are : 

Objective : red face ; full veins ; tightness of skin ; sluggish movements (gestures) ; full pulse. High-coloured urine ; dense urine ; scanty appetite. 

Subjective : sense of weight in the limbs ; weak vision ; dreams in which there is a sense of weight—as when one dreams one is unable to move, or is carrying a heavy weight, or cannot give utterance to words. This kind of dream may be compared with that associated with attenuation of humours, or where the humours are moderate in amount for here one dreams one is flying through the air, or moving at a great spee

The translator’s note is: “The modern term " hypertension" is covered by the old term of plethora or repletion. The correspondence is verified by some of its symptoms. Thus, hemorrhagic phenomena occur—in the nose, retina, cerebrum, meninges, labyrinth, the skin ; and as hematuria and hsemetemesis simulating organic disease. Hypertension causes fatigue of the heart shown by : dyspnoea, palpitation, quick pulse, anginal attacks, nocturnal pseudo-asthma, bruit de galop.”

Fish Consumption and Heart Disease

Fish Consumption and Heart Disease

A March 2021 study by McMaster University found that, “There is a significant protective benefit of fish consumption in people with cardiovascular disease,"

"This study has important implications for guidelines on fish intake globally. It indicates that increasing fish consumption and particularly oily fish in vascular patients may produce a modest cardiovascular benefit."

True Heart Health

True Heart Health

“The heart becomes well when it acquires knowledge of its Lord and Creator and in His Names, Attributes, Actions and Commandments.”

“The heart in addition becomes well when it prefers acquiring Allah's Pleasure and prefers what He likes, all the while avoiding His prohibitions and what might lead to His displeasure.”

“There is no life, health, or wellbeing for the heart except by this method, which only the Messengers can provide. It is wrong to think that one can ever attain the hearts wellbeing through any other way than through the guidance of the Messengers of Allah.”

“These errors result from confusing the heart's true wellbeing with satisfying and strengthening its lower animal lusts and desires. By this way, the heart will be far from acquiring its true wellbeing, strength and even its very existence will be in danger.”

Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya in “Prophetic Medicine”


New Research on Aspirin and Heart Health

New Research on Aspirin and Heart Health

A November 2017 study by the University of George concludes that,

“We shouldn't just assume that everyone will benefit from low-dose aspirin, and in fact the data show that the potential benefits are similar to the potential harms for most people who have not had a cardiovascular event and are taking it to try to prevent a first heart attack or stroke,"

"If you look back in the 1970s and '80s when a lot of these original studies were done, patients were not taking statin drugs to control cholesterol, their blood pressure was not as well controlled, and they weren't getting screenings for colorectal cancer."


Resistance Training or Endurance Training?

Resistance Training or Endurance Training?

An April 2017 study by Division of Mathematics, Science, and Health Careers; Department of Science, Manchester Community College, Manchester, CT concluded, in part, that, “resistance training … was more effective than endurance training.”

Working Out Before Breakfast

Working Out Before Breakfast

An October 2019 study by the University of Bath suggest that, "…changing the timing of when you eat in relation to when you exercise can bring about profound and positive changes to your overall health." And that, “…men in the study who exercised before breakfast burned double the amount of fat than the group who exercised after. Importantly, whilst this didn't have any effect on weight loss, it did dramatically improve their overall health.”

"The group who exercised before breakfast increased their ability to respond to insulin, which is all the more remarkable given that both exercise groups lost a similar amount of weight and both gained a similar amount of fitness. The only difference was the timing of the food intake."

“This work suggests that performing exercise in the overnight-fasted state can increase the health benefits of exercise for individuals, without changing the intensity, duration or perception of their effort. We now need to explore the longer-term effects of this type of exercise and whether women benefit in the same way as men."

Vitamin D, Omega 3, Cancer and Heart Disease

Vitamin D, Omega 3, Cancer and Heart Disease

A very large 5-year trial of 26,000 by The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) is examining whether fish oil and vitamin D can effectively prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease. The VITamin D and OmegA-3 Trial (VITAL) shows promising signals for some outcomes:

Fish Oil - Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Small, but non-significant, reduction in cardiovascular

  • Significant reductions in heart attacks

Vitamin D

  • No reduction on cardiovascular or cancer

  • Statistically significant reduction in total cancer mortality for trial participants 2+ years