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bathing therapy

Bathing in relating to Eating

Bathing in relating to Eating

Ibn Sina in his Canon said,

“To enter a bath fasting will render the body extremely dry, and make the person thin and debilitated.

To enter the bath after a heavy meal, on the other hand, will make a person stout, by drawing the humours towards the subcutaneous tissues. Moreover it removes the obstructions by transferring the undigested aliment from the stomach to the tissues.

To enter the bath at the moment when the first digestion has ended and before a sense of hunger returns is beneficial and produces a medium degree of stoutness.”

Ice Baths

Ice Baths

Some people swear by them. Others swear about them.

A November 2017 study by the Department of Human Biology, NUTRIM School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University Medical Centre+, Maastricht, the Netherlands said, “Everyone exercising, whether they be weekend warriors or elite athletes, wants to get the most out of their workouts. Our research doesn't discount cold-water immersion altogether but does suggest that if the athlete aims to repair and/or build their muscle, perhaps they should reconsider using ice baths."