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“The longer I work in nutrition, the more convinced I become that for the healthy person all foods should be delicious.”

Adelle Davis



“Change involves carrying out an activity against the habit of life.”

F.M. Alexander

Physical activity, cardiovascular health, rheumatism

Physical activity, cardiovascular health, rheumatism

An April 2021 article by University of São Paulo's Medical School said,

"Our analysis of the results showed that exercise improved small and large vessel endothelial function to a clinically significant extent. Accordingly, we suggested that exercise can be considered 'medication' for these patients because of its potential to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events,”

"Treatment doesn't prevent patients from developing certain co-morbidities. Cardiovascular disease is the most worrisome,”

"The risk of heart attack is twice as high for people with rheumatoid arthritis as for healthy people. For people with lupus or psoriatic arthritis, the incidence of ischemic events [heart attack, angina and stroke] is between twice and five times as high." 

"It all begins with changes in blood vessel structure and function," 

"The arteries gradually harden and stop being able to dilate when necessary. Changes occur above all in the endothelium [the layer of cells lining the interior surface of blood vessels]. Alterations in vascular function, especially endothelial function, are considered initial markers of atherosclerosis for this reason."

"This area [physical activity in rheumatology] is still new, so more research is needed to identify the best exercise protocols and investigate such aspects as safety and adherence," 

"In any event, the data in our study underlines the importance of regular exercise to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease in these patients."

Organic meat and multidrug-resistant bacteria


Organic meat and multidrug-resistant bacteria

A May 2021 study by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said,

"The presence of pathogenic bacteria is worrisome in and of itself, considering the possible increased risk of contracting foodborne illness," 

"If infections turn out to be multidrug resistant, they can be more deadly and more costly to treat."

"The required disinfection of equipment between processing batches of organic and conventional meats may explain our findings of reduced bacterial contamination on products from facilities that process both types of meats,”

"How we raise animals matters,”

"As a veterinarian, I recognize that we sometimes need to use antibiotics to treat sick animals, but taking advantage of opportunities to reduce antibiotics use could benefit everyone. Consumer choice and regulatory oversight are two strategies to do this."


Star Anise

Star Anise

In a 2011 study by the University of Heidelberg it was found that the essential oil of star anise had antiviral capacity in respect of herpes simplex in vitro by direct inactivation of free virus particles.