Ibn Qayyum in “The Prophetic Medicine” says,
“Fresh eggs are better than old eggs, and the best kind of eggs are chicken eggs. The eggs are mild but incline slightly towards being cold. ‘
[Quoting Ibn Sina] "The yolk is hot and wet and makes the blood sanitary, but is not nutritious. It is In addition digested quickly when it is still soft." Another person said, "Egg yolk relives the pain, polishes the throat and the trachea, helps the throat and relieves coughing and the ulcers of the lungs, liver and prostate, It In addition eliminates coarseness, especially when blended with the grease of sweet almonds. It In addition maturates and softens whatever is in the chest and softens the roughness of the throat.’
“The author of the Qonoon [Ibn Sina] mentioned eggs in the medicines and remedies of the heart. He, in addition said, "Its yolk has a strong effect in strengthening the heart. Egg yolk has three beneficial uses: it turns into blood quickly, it does not produce extensive wastes, and the blood that it produces is light and similar to the blood that feeds the heart. Further, the egg yolk is the most adequate substance against the diseases that affect the essence of the soul."