A December 2019 study by the University of South Australia said that, “There's an assumption that 'good' fats and 'bad' fats perform as they're described - but what's surprising, is that it wasn't the type of fat that mattered at all, as an equal amount of the good and bad fats significantly supressed testosterone production,"
"In this study we also found that consuming albumen - the protein in egg whites - increased testosterone levels, and did so by four-fold relative to fasting, while albumin, combined with the bad saturated fat somewhat ameliorated the effect of the bad fats on testosterone levels, providing another diet-based influencer of testosterone levels."
8 Diets Tested
polyunsaturated fat
monounsaturated fat
refined carbohydrate
egg white
mixed meals of polyunsaturated fat and refined carbohydrate
polyunsaturated fat and egg white
refined carbohydrate and egg white
The researchers said, "… for infertile men, and men with lower than normal testosterone levels, lowering the overall fat content and possibly increasing whey or adding egg whites may lead to improvements in testosterone levels over the shorter term."