Latin: Mentha × piperita

Arabic: Naenae

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Bo He


“Very hot in nature, peppermint may be use to advantage to promote perspiration and overpower the cold.” (Robert Thomson, in “The Grosset Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine” (1980))

A “gastric adaptogen, gastro-intestinal antispasmodic.” (Menzies-Trull in "The Herbalist's Prescriber")

“Peppermint is one of the best carminatives available.” (David Hoffman in “The New Holistic Herbal”).

Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble, in “Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica” list it under “cool acrid herbs that release the exterior”.  It is “acrid, aromatic and cooling … [it] disperses wind-heat.”